

Yes, there was a holiday yesterday.  Memorial Day.  I hope all of you took a moment to ponder over those that have given all for this country.

It was also a goat holiday for me.  It was the first day in a while that I did NOT drench a doe goat.  The doe that I induced 14 days ahead of her due date had babies.  Yes, there were triplets and yes, two of them are still alive.  It has been touch and go trying to get momma up & going but she is starting to eat and is also getting up on her own.  I don’t have a lot of patience with anything, much less a doe goat.  This ordeal has tested me.  Hopefully, it will pay off with two healthy babies.  Unfortunately, both of the babies are…you guessed it…..doe kids.

Here’s to rain showers and holidays.  Have a good one.

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