This post is probably going to be horrible. Just a bunch of stuff to give old turds in Nebraska something to read. Here we go.
Since I first found my footing in Stillwater back in 1989, I have been a fan of the radio station the KATT, Rock 100.5. I have fond memories of working in the OSU meat lab during the summer months with the KATT blaring from the radio. A lot of meat can get cut while listening to Metallica’s “Enter Sandman”. Currently, my pickup(s) don’t pick up the KATT in Ellis County. There were, however, certain locations, on hilltops, near Waynoka and Fairview that I could get the signal. They have had a pair of disc jockeys, Rick & Brad, that have been on the air for decades. I love to catch Rick & Brad theater. Some are funny while occasionally some are wicked funny. Nookie Green & Redneck Pickup Lines are a couple that I will never forget. And on Friday mornings, when they spend 30 minutes ahead of time, warning you to get the kids out of the car before Rick & Brad Theater airs…..
I enjoy the driving days when I get into range of the KATT. I change from XM to 100.5. TwoFerTuesdays are awesome. But, my all time favorite thing on the KATT is when the now ancient DJ Greg Zubek announces a song by the band RATT. He has a deeper, hippy sounding, cool while smooth delivery that would make you believe that he has been backstage at a LOT of concerts and knew where to get some good stuff before it became medicinal. “Here’s ya some Ratta-tat-tat on the Katta-katt-katt.” Typing it does not do it justice. I love saying it but it’s wicked awesome when you hear Zubek say it over the airwaves.
I’m still a radio dude. I grew up catching new tunes on the radio. Country, rock, whatever. I still prefer to listen to Okie State football on the radio. My first memories of major league baseball was catching the Cardinals on some AM station. And Old Busch stadium lived up to what I had seen on the radio.
Let’s go a little random. There is currently a geico insurance commercial that involves the band RATT. This random couple have a home with a RATT infestation. I like/dislike this commercial. If I have a RATT band living in my “cellar” ( some of you will get that)—-Well, then, we are having a party. My dislike is that they keep playing the song “Round & Round” throughout the commercial. Great tune but they had so many others. Play some Way Cool Jr.
Speaking of geico commercials. They also have another pair of home owners that have an issue in a commercial. Clogging. Their upstairs neighbors are cloggers. I hate this commercial. Every single time that I watch it, I want to kick down a door, choke the adult in charge and kick the plate of spaghetti out of some kid’s hands. I will NEVER have insurance from this company as a result of this commercial.
And while on the topic of things that I hate…..I don’t know if I have ever mentioned this before. I hate dealing with doe goats. Hate em. I’ve got a few that I enjoy but as a whole……..uoonhh!!
Hay is getting rolled up. Calves are taking well to grass. The gardens are starting to go. Fresh okra, taters & corn are on future menus. I ate fresh eggs tonight.
We need a rain here in paradise. I’m older, grayer, fatter and loving life. If I was any better than I would have to change my name to either Kevin Frazier or Carl Mize. Not that those two fine specimens are fatter or grayer than I am but they are older and love life. And either of those studs know where the good eats are located. I’m in the mood to travel just to meet some cool dudes for lunch.
Peace out! Horseshoes and shamrocks to all of you.