It’s coming up on the time of year when I get to see a true Great American on a regular basis. Big I will be attending the goat show at Enid and OYE the next couple of weeks. I haven’t got to see him in a while, but I hear that he is in killer shape as he has been working out all winter keeping a new barn clean and doing arm curls testing drenches. I did get a scouting report from him the other day and he informs me that there is a really good set of does coming out of Noble county to show at Enid and OYE.
In all seriousness, if you don’t know Big I, then you need to make his acquaintance. He and his wife are really good people that will help anybody. Everybody is in a good mood when he is around. He is Milligan’s right hand man when it comes to getting things done. Our online sales would not be as much fun if he wasn’t here to help. It is his job to keep the rest of us on task and properly hydrated.
So go find Big I at the next couple of shows and meet him, talk goats, life and just be in a happy mood because he will be. Here’s to you Great American Legend–Big I.