
Wicked Random

Over the past almost decade of posting crap on here, the consistently most-read ones are the random stuff.  Now, granted, the top tens and and the ones where I go off, are always chart toppers.  But, there are only so many top tens and I do need to limit the “going off” specials.


So, let’s get random.

Today, without a doubt, I was the most popular person to visit in Shattuck, America. Wait?  What?  How is this different than any other day?  Well, let me tell you.  I sent out a group text to all show families that I have county & Woodward District premium sale checks.  And then, all of a sudden, all of them wanted to come see me.  In the past 6 years, this is the first time that I have handed these checks out before May 1.  CORONA FREE!!


One of the MOST HATED questions heard by ag teachers—When will we see our local/county checks?   JEEMINIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    RUSM?????????   Do you people think that we take the checks, cash them and draw interest on them for a couple of weeks?    DO NOT ASK THIS QUESTION?   We want you to have your money as soon as possible.  We aren’t’ getting anything expect a PITA.   So, as soon as we have them, we will distribute them.

On a goat note, a husband/wife team came to pick up their kid’s check at the ag building.  I was at the computer trying to get some work done.  They walked in and asked the question, “What are you up to?”

I turned around in my chair and replied,  “I’m not sure how to answer this question.  But, I am actually sitting here trying to release some semen.”  It was true.  I was just sitting there, typing up a bunch of releases to send to REI.    Sounds way wrong but that is what I was doing.

Dealing with releases is the most unenjoyable part of having a semen sale.  Especially, a sale that had 50 lots with differing amounts of straws in the varied lots.  Some buyers want it released right away but I don’t always have a list of who has paid.  Some buyers pay real quick while others are mailing a check (like myself) and maybe it takes a day or two to find the post office (once again, like myself).  I know some of the buyers.  Some of them, never heard of before.

Damn!!!!   I had to deliver some cows near Crescent, OK on Saturday.  Afterwords, I then stopped in to Pfeiffer’s to peruse the doe kid offering that sold tonight.  I thought that there were several wicked, bad chicks selling.  I knew that they would get Cheech & Chong high, but dang…..they got real high!  Never had to worry about bidding.  The ones that I marked as potential bargains were high.  Good for them.


I’ve been seeing and hearing about a fact that some grammar teachers are now teaching kids that there should only be one space after a period.  I was taught two spaces.  It just doesn’t look right if there is only one space.


Not all news is good.



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