While you are sheltered at home and need something to do, read “The Stand” by Stephen King. Yes, that Stephen King. This book was written in 1978 but seems very current. They made a mini-series out of this book if you would rather. Either way, you better clear a calendar. It’s long but good.
I haven’t read it but I have seen several excerpts from “The Eyes of Darkness” by Dean Koontz. I may read it as the parts that I have seen make one go, “hhhhmmm??!?”
Most of all, we should all be reading the BIBLE. I know that I don’t often enough.
We’ve got another freeze heading our way. After that, time to plant the garden and have a greenhouse sale.
People, have a good one and a better tomorrow. Here’s to horseshoes and shamrocks for all of us. Peace be with you.