
Intro to History 1014

High school, college, whatever….we have all had a history lesson or two.  We need to study history.  Heck, currently, we are all learning more about the Spanish Flu of 1918.  I am sure that I am not the only one that does not remember learning about this crap.  Is it real?  IDK.

Saw a book face post this morning of a 101 year old survivor of the Spanish Flu, World War I & II.  I didn’t even need batteries in the calculator to go 2020 minus 101 only gets us to 1919.  World War I ended in 1918 and the Spanish Flu of 1918 was in, you guessed it…1918.  IDK.  Maybe there is too much info available today.

On a goat note.  I love the history of the current show goat industry.  I remember fondly the days of the mid 2000s when this deal was starting to spread like a pandemic across Texas and then Oklahoma and then took off from there.  The goats are better now but I enjoyed the people of those fond memory days.

I got a call from Izzy this morning.  Yeah, that Izzy that was won more major banners than any of you young-uns can fathom.  Hadn’t talked to him in a while.  Excellent livestock dude.

I liked the days before the internet and social media took over.  I can still survive but it was funner back then.  I’m old.  I get it.  But I still remember…..

My first couple of encounters with a south Texas bump gate.

Meeting up with Ralph Shafer at Rosa’s Casita in El Dorado, TX.  I loved those luncheons.

Asking Claire Powell what that doe was out of–“You going to pay for papers?”


Her–“Well, she is out of a damn good Powell/Holman buck and that’s all that matters.”

Me–“Yes, ma’am!”

Her–“While you’re at it, bring several beers.”

Me–“Yes, MA’AM!”


That mis-spelled “wethesr sale” sign that they used to put on the highway south of Sonora to go to Tommy Morriss’ sale.

Buying yearling does at Harbour’s.

Learning how to get tail’s to stay up.

Festivities at Lex Lehmberg’s.

Gallagher’s when they were just some goat breeders west of Mason, TX that were trying to make a good one.

Bob Allen & Preston Farris sales with the sprinklers on the tin roof to try to cool things under 120 effing degrees.

Raff with his cane, gold rope chain and wife beater shirt.  Me–“What’s that buck kid?”  Him– “I don’t know.”

Me–“What?  How the hell do you not know what that one is?”  Him–“I don’t know.”   Me–“WTF??!!”

“Wait, WTF?  Is I Don’t Know his name?”


Tyke will remember a trip to Norman Kohl’s.  Norman was going off about some cult.  It wasn’t long till we saw that stuff on the news.

Literally, going to the border crossing, then left a block to Border Boers.

Lunch at Galvan’s in Turkey, TX.  I miss those.

In 2006, when I first met some dude from California that was going to haul some left-over wethers west.  Met him in a parking lot at OYE.  “If these things win anything, I’ll call you and let you know if we will ever do business again.”  Been putting critters on his trailer’s ever since.


And then there is the time that I hauled a goat marketing legend on a trip with me.  We made several goat stops.  Then, I made a stop to look at some sheep.  He–WTF?  Why?         Me–“Shut the F up and wait.  It will be worth your stop.”    And then we heard the best goat history lesson EVER!!!!  He won’t argue.


Those of you that know me, now realize, that all of these stories should be told while I am either sitting on a 5 gallon bucket or leaning on a gator.  This is the abbreviated versions.

I opened a list of goat semen that was in a semen tank this morning.  WAIT?  WHAT?  RUSM?  HOW IN THE HELLLLL????  Wait, I owned that one and I didn’t collect him!!!  That one sired that….oh my, what would this stuff have been worth 10 years ago, 5 years ago.

Grands at majors, direct 900 sons, maybe some of the highest producing females ever, holy jeeminy, this tank of juice has direct ties to all of the current big names.

Not sure how this is all going to go down.  There are a couple hundred straws of this stuff.  It won’t be high $ but could still hit.  Won’t be many pictures, just a history lesson.  No doubt, March 2020 has been the strangest month of my life.  Your life. All of us need a change.

I’m ready for April 1.


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