Not just another Thursday. This day brings milestones to the Kelln piece of paradise. Today, brings the anniversary since I last drank a soda pop. I wasn’t addicted but I did like a jazzed up Mountain Dew. Nothing for the last year. It’s amazing how a hip out of place will change your life. I now drink a LOT of water and I pee A LOT!!!
I moved a doe with twin kids out of the kidding barn. I put them in a run in the wether barn. It is now official. We are done showing once you put a doe in the wether barn. This may not seem abnormal to some but those that know Tammy and I realize this is a big deal. So, NO! We will not be hosting any foreign exchange students or adopting kids. Our show careers are DONE!! We just want to help.
Most importantly, we got our first letter from a future Marine. It was short but actually well written. I wasn’t expecting a novel. There was no doubt that Duke wrote the letter.
I don’t know much. But I do know these few things. ESPN owes Tom Brady a stake in the company. If it wasn’t for him, they wouldn’t have had a thing to talk about for the last 2 weeks. I hate the end of this school year. I don’t like proms but I wanted to see a group of kids finish their baseball, speaking, showing, judging, etc careers. I’m pleased with our school administration is going forward.
No corona here. Hoping and praying that all of you are corona free. Good luck. Horseshoes & shamrocks to all. Unchartered waters. This deal is effedUP! Pray and well, pray again. It can’t hurt.