While going off on poor spellers on social media last night, I about caused myself to have a train wreck. I was participating in the bid off in an online auction. I would write a paragraph or two then click over and check my bids. This continued for a little bit. Except I clicked over to check bids and somebody had outbid me and there was less than a minute left. By the time I entered my bid and our crappy internet took over, I lost out. Oh well! I really didn’t need any more doe goats anyhow.
Then the this morning, I was lying on the couch watching Mike Golic tell stories when I heard a siren. OH CRAP NO!!! Not now!!
My mind was whirring as I bounced off the couch, pulled on some boots and headed out the door to deal with this issue. You see, I’ve got a pen with 5 heifers that belong to students. I’ve got the heifers synced and ready to be AIed this fine Tuesday morning. And they are hot to trot. There are 4 mini herf steers in the pen with them. And there is a conga line of heifers with steers riding them. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, DUNN! This is how it is supposed to work. BUT…I didn’t take into account the bull in the adjoining pasture that was right up next to the panels sending out his siren’s song. I dang sure didn’t need a non-calving ease sire crashing over some panels to get to some virgin heifers that don’t belong to me. I’m glad that bull sent out a siren to alert my dumb ass that I was getting ready to have a train wreck. Luckily, I got the heifers sorted off and penned away from the bull.
Sorting cattle isn’t easy in the dark. But if you really want a train wreck, try sorting goats in the dark. Not fun.
And as I got back in to the house, the first text message of the morning read, “Ewe our the best spiller that eye no.”
Have a good one.