
Been a bit

Yes, I know that I haven’t hit the keyboard in almost a week.  Been busy.  You may not believe this but it takes a bit to log in, type crap and publish this crap.  No matter if it’s one word or 1,800.  With this crappy internet service, it takes a bit.

I also know that I need to post a deal or three that was submitted by others.  We will get to it.  Just not tonight. There is a definite winner.  A couple worth reading.  And several that I can’t publish.  Which, if I think they are wrong…..well…..

I spent the last couple of days trying to farm….helping cook for a pig sale…..attending a pig sale…..building hog pens at the ag farm……doctoring pigs……trying to farm……taking care of stock at home with no sunlight…..moving round bales after dark…..trying to farm a bit (I’m good with farming 20 acres or less at a time).

Now, I’m in the house, eating a burger and watching a show with Brian Johnson –lead singer of AC/DC and Lars Ulrich–drummer for Metallica.

Ironically, as an ag teacher, I do a decent job of teaching the basics of electricity.  I’m not journeyman good at wiring but I do understand the basics and how to’s and how don’ts.   I enjoy using the most popular rock band of all time in the opening of a lesson about electricity.  How did the band get the name AC/DC?  And what does AC and DC mean?  The band may be done but their music and the name is still relevant with today’s kids.

I spent a bit this evening moving panels and huts around.  Trying to get pens set up for breeding season.  The time is almost upon us.  While dealing with buck goats, one has to understand each buck’s personality.  Every buck is unique.  And thus the reason that every buck should have a unique name.  But that’s a whole other post altogether.

People, have a good one and a better tomorrow.  Peace!

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