It is a new day as Tammy leaves for High Plains Tech Center for a new year (with a different job title). I head off to teacher meetings for a new year at Shattuck Public Schools. Yes, I know that I told them that I would teach ag for a year and this is the start to year 6. I’m actually ready.
We got Duke moved into his dorm room. Braden met us there. It was a good thing, since he hooked up the smart tv and the roku stick. We cruised around Arkansas City, KS. Nice town. Nice campus.
Tammy and I left and headed home via Hutchinson, KS. Yes, I had a place that I wanted to look at some goats.
Scott Comstock had been in Stillwater on Sunday evening. So, he made a detour and went to Ark City to check on Duke. The stock show family is a very valuable part of the stock show experience. Those trophies and banners collect dust but the people you meet and the network that is built from this experience is priceless.
It was kind of late when Tammy and I got home last night. So, I dragged my ass outside and did ALL of the chores, goats, calves, dogs, chickens and picked the garden spots that we didn’t have time for last night. It is a new day. Have a good one and a better tomorrow.