I should have watched some of my movies last night instead of that damn online doe sale. How bout that? It is after nominations are due, so it isn’t like those doe kids can be shown at a major show this spring and they still averaged $1,500. I had planned on buying two of those does but I finally had to punt on one to get the one that I really wanted. Its a good thing Kela is at college and her room is empty, as that is probably where this doe kid is going to live.
We got over an inch of rain here yesterday. Didn’t get any tornadoes or earthquakes, but we will gladly take the rain. This rain might help attitudes in the ag equipment sector towards the end of the year.
Made it to a couple of pig sales in Beaver county on Sunday. There is a lot of dollars changing hands on baby pigs right now, also. One thing about going to a goat sale, the pickup doesn’t stink on the way home. It’s hard to deal with a pig and not get some stink on you.